Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Summertime Lessons

Where have I been the entire summer?! Lets be completely honest and say I got really busy and completely forgot about my blog! I know I can't believe it either!!! But now I am back and better than ever :)

Short recap of my summer in pictures...
  I spent my 21st birthday in Haiti

 Catering jobs!
 Nannying is truly the best job!

 Summer weddings
 Saying goodbye to friends :(
 Swim playdates

 Beach days
 1st Orioles game! I just realized I love baseball!

 The most amazing Hillsong concert!!!
 The last summer wedding with my Momma 

I had a pretty amazing summer but the one word to describe it would be warfare.  Interesting choice I know but let me explain.  Summer is the hardest time of the year for a lot of people including me.  It has always been a battle but especially now that I am moving forward in my walk with Christ.  I always feel satans pull the strongest in the summer.  The pull to slack off, to not be as attentive to my Bible or my devotional like I am during the school year.  I'm being very honest here because I believe it happens to all of us.  For some it might not be the summer but the winter, I don't know but I do know it happens.  Satan wants us to lose touch, forget about God, and not move forward with Him.  Pastor Scibelli said a quote during the one summer bible college classes that keeps running through my mind

"God will never leave me and He will never let me leave Him"

  No matter how many times I fail, He is still with me.  No matter how many times I want to run and hide from Him, He is still with me.  All I know is that satan did not win this summer and he won't win this fall. I'm looking forward to this next school year with a fresh appreciation for the classes and time spent with the body under the Word.  Who knows what God is going to do in my heart this year or what this summer has taught me.  I know He will reveal it in His time and I'm excited to see what He is and will do in my life.

My new favorite song that speaks to me each time I listen to it...enjoy :)

"Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) - Hillsong Worship

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Abandon it all for the sake of the call

Sometimes I feel like writing a post but I have no idea what to say.  Then God reminds me why I started this blog, to tell about the things He is doing in my life and in my heart.  When I think of it that way, I have plenty to write about! I hope you enjoy this post about what God has doing in my heart the past few days :)

This past weekend I went on a missions trip to the tropical island of Puerto Rico.  It was amazing!!  Not only because of the delicious food or the beautiful beaches but because of the amazing work God is doing.  The vision is to have a Bible School and plant a church in San Juan.  As of this visit, they have many people interested in coming to the Bible School and wanting to grow with God. We looked at a community center that would be perfect for Friday and Saturday night classes and Sunday morning service.  It is amazing to see the work being formed and to watch God's plan unfold.  We visited a church in Aguadilla, which is on the west side of the island and Pastor Cooper said something during service that I haven't stopped thinking about.  

"A plan is important, but hearing from God and having a vision is more important."  

I am not a planner but when I set my mind on something I usually do it without even consulting my Heavenly Father.  I don't want my life to be so wrapped up in my own plans that I have no room for the sponateous things of God.  He knows what is best for me and I am only hurting myself by not hearing His soft words of wisdom or taking the time to be soaked in His love and guidance. 

I don't know what all God did in my heart during this trip but I know I left changed.  I encourage all of you who may or may not be reading this post to step out of your plans and hear from Him.  Let's abandon it all for the sake of the call. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Luke 22:42

In the past few days, this verse hasn't been able to escape my mind. 
"Not my will, but Yours be done"- Luke 22:42
I just returned from Europe for two weeks and God taught me a lot while I was there.  One thing He showed me was that no matter where I am geographically my heart issues are still going to be present.  I can live in my flesh in Baltimore or Cyprus, it doesn't matter.  I was shocked because I thought, "oh I am going to Europe so everything in my life will be wonderful. I won't be tired, sad or even mad because I am in Europe so there will be no problems.  I won't feel anything that hurts me in Baltimore or even be upset over things because I'm going to be near the Meditteranean Sea and I'm going on a missions trip so I will have my stuff together!" hahah I laugh thinking back on it because it was nothing like that.  Don't get me wrong I had an amazing trip! The messages were amazing, I visited lots of beautiful places, met a lot of new people and spent time with old friends, but I still had issues in my own heart.  I was miserable some days because I was living in things that God was trying to set me free from. I didn't tell anyone I was with because I didn't want to ruin the great times but I think that is why it made such an impact.  
This caused me to run to God.  I usually try to avoid that most times because lets be honest, it hurts. He wants to rip the ugly things out of my soul and it hurts!  I had to let go of my own will! My strong, over opinionated, manipulative human will that was fighting so hard against the compassionate and loving God who knows what is best for me.
"Not my will, but Yours be done."
I will never know what all God did during my two weeks away but I know He is healing me.  Healing me from my past hurts, my fears, my doubts, healing me from myself. It is His will for me to be perfect in Him and until that happens I want my will to give up to His.  I want His will, His plan, and His purpose to be what controls my life. 
"Not my will, but Yours be done."
I want to be like Christ was in Luke 22.  During the hurt, the confusion, and the pain, I want to say "Not my will Lord, but Yours be done."  Christ took the pain so we could be saved.  By His wounds we are healed.